
Night Vision : How they see without light?

Quadro : Night Vision Binoculars

Well, all you have probably seen Special Forces, spies or special agents using special glasses to see at night. Those glasses are known as night vision goggles/binoculars and you may wonder how they could work at night. If you have any doubt about whether night vision goggles really work or are just the imaginary ideas of movies, then the answer is definitely “Yes!” They really do work at night. They can help you can see a person standing over 200 yards away on a moonless, cloudy night.

Night Vision Goggles
Night Vision Goggles

The working principle of night vision depends upon what type of technology is being used. There are several types of technology that can be used like Low-Light imaging, Near-Infrared Illumination, Thermal Imaging etc. 

Before we discuss about the technologies, it’s important to know that all light is not visible to us. Our eyes sense only some particular part of electromagnetic spectrum (light). The light we can see — called visible light — is only a part of the overall electromagnetic spectrum (all types of light). There are other types of light, such as infrared and ultraviolet light, that can’t be seen by the naked eye. 

If you want to see in the dark then the first way requires a type of technology called image enhancement. 
This basically means that equipment takes what is there and enhances it to make the most of it. Night vision goggles use image enhancement technology to collect all the available light (including infrared light) and amplify it to make it visible to our eyes because even in the darkest of condition , there are some light present (like infrared).

Image Enhancement

The other technology is called thermal imaging. When you hear about the word “thermal,” then you know that this technology has to do with heat. Hot objects like human or other animal bodies, emit some heat in the form of infrared light. Night vision goggles use thermal imaging technology to capture the infrared light being emitted as heat by objects in the field of view. In this way, you can see an image of what’s going on in the dark based upon the amount of heat being generated by various objects. Thermal imaging works well when trying to detect people in the dark. It’s better to use thermal imaging for conditions approaching absolute darkness. However, most night vision equipment uses image enhancement technology (less expensive). Night vision goggles are intensively used by the military and law enforcement agencies. Some wild life researcher also uses to watch animals at night.
Thermal Imaging

You may notice that night vision image always has a green glow. That’s for our better visual experience. Because when light is captured and amplified, it’s turned into electronic information which is colorless and later that has to be transmitted to the eyes. Night vision goggles are made with screens that produce green pictures, because human eyes are more sensitive to green light and it’s easier to look at green pictures for long periods of time than it is to look at black and white pictures. Though thermal goggles give black and white images, some goggles use false color which is an excellent way of better distinguishing between objects at different temperatures.

The Self Destruction: Memory sticks that self destruct.

It sounds like a device related to “Mission Impossible” or “James Bond”. But it’s not. Though it sounds like a James Bond gadget but anyone can buy this high security device. Technology has now created the ultimate USB stick- that self destruct used by secret service. The convenience of the common is matched only by its liability. If you lose it you can’t stop anybody accessing your data. To overcome this data protection company Exact Trak has developed a memory stick which includes a sim card and battery, allowing the
Self destructing memory stick
owner to track it via GPS and GSM. They can be used to manipulate data on the flash drive, remotely deleting or disabling files at will. Because it has an USB rechargeable power supply, the Security Guardian need not be plugged into a computer for the owner to do this. To destroy the data inside it the owner can order the Security Guardian to self destruct, then the guardian sends a signal via GSM or GPS, allows the chip to send a high voltage charge from its power supply into the chip, destroying or erasing the data in the drive and save the owners privacy.

The Deadly Punisher: XM25CDTE

The Deadliest Engineering: XMCDTE

Think about a Counter Defilade Target Engagement system (CDTE). Sounds boring? All right, think again. Because that system is actually the most technologically advanced weapon currently available on the XM25 CDTE is a culmination of decades of engineering forged into an in credibly powerful tool that can change any warzone it is fielded in. It’s a handheld semi-automatic grenade launcher that can propel a wide variety of munitions up to 700 meters (2,300 feet) and cause massive damage against any imaginable targets. Are you yet to excite? Well, this handheld grenade launcher can not only directly fire explosive rounds, but also program each wirelessly, and on the fly, to explode at a set distance or a set time, to ensure it never misses its target. Sounds a little more impressive now, doesn’t it? Indeed this weapon truly is a ‘system’ rather than a mere gun. It’s each unit equipped with an in-built ballistic computer, digital compass, fuse setter, environmental sensor array, and laser range finder, 4 x thermal sight with digital zoom and XM 104 target acquisition and fire control chipset. All this is packed into a rifle that weighs less than 6.4 kilograms (14.1 pounds) - that’s the equivalent of three bags of sugar. Combine these components and you are ready to stir up a whole gun boat load of trouble for enemy forces.
The Deadliest weapon: XM25CDTE
Are you facing troops dug in deep, sheltering behind reinforced cover or hiding within the ground? That’s no challenge for the XM-25- simply laser the position with the Punisher’s rangefinder, aim and watch a programmed round loop with pinpoint accuracy over the obstacle and then explode at the optimum moment in a devastating air bust. Are you afraid of Armored Personnel Carrier? No problem, because if you select the XM25’s armor-piercing ordnance, you have a weapon that can penetrate the APC’s hull with ease.

The versatility of the XM25CDTE is on a whole different level to any other weapon ever engineered.